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AD nemetali "Ograzden, str.Marshal Tito No.239 Strumica, Macedonia



Nemetali “Ograzden” – Strumica during its 55 years existence besides the basic activity exploitation and manufacturing mineral raw materials, has also shown itself as very active and socially aware company with affirmation of huge number of cultural manifestations with different character, sport clubs and competitions, sponsorships, donations and other supporting ways.

Nemetali “Ograzden” – Strumica has organized the well known Strumica Art Colony that during the years has become an International Art Colony. For many years thanks to the company, Strumica has been center of the fine arts culture in Macedonia and has been visited by many famous and recognized painters who supported the affirmation of Strumica as fine arts metropolis and with the paintings has increased the town’s cultural inheritance.

Strumica Art Colony is a multicultural place for participants from all over the world who connected here by the warm sun and Strumica temperament make of ever lasting source for new paintings.

It’s one of the best domestic and regional event proved by the participation of more than 800 painters, sculptors and mosaic artists from all over the world who produced over 2000 works with national character in Strumica.

The sport in Strumica region has long tradition and is very successful. Strumica is one of the biggest sport towns in the country and center for young talents. For many years with support and sponsoring and in last years as an owner, Nemetali “Ograzden” was present in the sport in Strumica. It was a sponsor and owner of the basketball team “Nemetali – Ograzden” which has been a respected club in the First Macedonian basketball league and several times it has taken part of some European club competitions as Macedonian represent.

At the end we should mention August 28, date connected to the mining and Nemetali “Ograzden”. It’s the Miners Day in Republic of Macedonia and the religious holiday  St.Holy Mother. The mining day is tradition and it became a holiday after the Second World War. That day is celebrated in Nemetali “Ograzden” with different events and awarding the employees for the 10, 20 or 30 years long successful company working.
